sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012

Played the whole thing out in your head.

-Look, this thing we've got, it's nice, and it feels really good, and I know you wanna take the next step.

-How do you know that? Have you even asked me?

-I'm... I'm not over elena. I mean, I don't know if I am, but if we go there, then it could mess things up, and we might lose this, and this is the only good thing I've got going for me right now.
-So if it doesn't work, I'll just disappoint you, and hurt you, and I don't wanna do that.

-Well, big problem, matt, because you took the next step all by yourself, and you played the whole thing out in your head, and you decided to bail before even giving it a shot.
-So this really great thing that we have, don't worry about losing it, 'cause it's already gone.

[fragmento de guión S01x12 - The Vampire Diaries]

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