jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

Not anymore.

Well... I'm sorry but you just can't put a fence on sky,
you just can't trap in a hole all my dreams,
If you disagreed with the pleasure of love,
eat it all for yourself and fuck off.

I'm not backing down for fake warning advices,
I'm one step ahead when we talking about cry,
but not anymore, now I'm ready to play,
not anymore, now I'm ready to bright.

Vicente Viz.

miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

Every time that happens.

-Well, Steve told me he's offering you a new contract.

-So why did you return my call?

-Because it's the Red Sox. Because I believe science might offer an answer to the Curse of the Bambino. Because I hear you hired Bill James. 


You know, why someone took so longto hire that guy is beyond me.

-Well, baseball hates him.

-Well, baseball can hate him, you know.

One of the great things about money

is that it buys a lot of things, 

one of which is the luxury

to disregard what baseball likes,

doesn't like, what baseball thinks,

doesn't think.


-Ah. Sounds nice.


I was grateful for the call.

- You were grateful?

- Yeah.

-For 41 million, you built a play-off team.
You lost Damon, Giambi, Isringhausen, Peña,
and you won more games without them
than you did with them. You won the exact 
same number of games that the Yankees won,
but the Yankees spent 1.4 million per win,
and you paid 260,000.

I know you're taking it in the teeth,
but the first guy through the wall...
he always gets bloody. Always. 
This is threatening not just a way 
of doing business, but in their minds,
it's threatening the game.

Really, what it's threatening
is their livelihood, their jobs.
It's threatening the way
that they do things.

Every time that happens, 
whether it's a government,
a way of doing business, 
whatever,the people who are 
holding the reins,
they have their hands
on the switch,
they go batshit crazy.

I mean, anybody who's not
tearing their team down right now
and rebuilding it using your model,
they're dinosaurs.

They'll be sitting on their ass
on the sofa in October watching 
the Boston Red Sox win the World Series.

-What's this?
-I want you to be my general manager.That's my offer.


Sé que te están criticando, pero
el primero en atravesar la pared...
siempre acaba sangrando.
Siempre. Esto amenaza no sólo

su modo de hacer negocios...
sino el juego en sí.

Estás amenazando su subsistencia, 
sus trabajos. Estás amenazando su manera
de hacer las cosas.

Siempre que pasa eso,
ya sea en un gobierno,
o en un negocio...
la gente que tiene las riendas
que controla el interruptor...
se vuelve completamente loca.

[Fragmento de diálogo sacado de "Moneyball"]