-Where's your new girlfriend?
-Ah, she's off for the day.
Where's your boyfriend?
-We... kind of broke up.
-How come?
-You know, I just thought I was
coming here for a fun weekend,
no strings attached, but...
then Jake told me
that he loved me
and I just couldn't say it back.
-I wasn't trying to hurt him.
It's just...
he's not my soul mate.
-Well, I hate to break it to you,
but... there is no such thing.
-That's not true.
Everybody has a soul mate.
And when
you find yours,
it's like that feeling you get
after the first big
snowfall of the year.
You race outside
to go sledding
and you go to the top of
the steepest hill you can find,
and, you know, your heart starts
racing and you get all sweaty,
even though all your boogers
are frozen over,
and... the next
thing you know,
you are zipping down
Montague Street,
laughing and crying
all at the same time,
and you never want it to end.
And that's what real love
should feel like.
Nobody should settle
for anything less.
-Remember when I told you
to shut up earlier?
-I'm sorry. I know.
Don't ever listen to me again.
'Cause that was awesome.
Eso no es cierto.
Todo el mundo tiene un alma gemela.
Y cuando encuentras la tuya,
es como esa sensación que te invade
tras la primera gran nevada del año.
Sales a fuera, para pasear con el trineo
y vas a la cima de la colina más alta
que puedas encontrar,
y, sabes, tu corazón empieza a latir
muy rápido y empiezas a transpirar,
y... lo siguiente que sabes,
es que vas como un rayo
por 'Montaque Stret',
riendo y llorando a la vez
y te gustaría que no
terminara nunca.
Así es como el amor de verdad
debería sentirse.
Y nadie debería conformarse con menos.
[Fragmento del 10x07 - "Two And a Half Men"]